Learn how you can use our SEO tools to help improve your website rankings

Get Support for our SEO Tools

When you have a subscription to our SEO Spider Tools we offer our users online videos to assist them with the most common support questions. We are constantly updating our support videos so you can be up to date on the latest features of our software. If you need additional help you can contact our support team and they will get back to you as soon as possible.


Gain knowledge through our video support

When it comes to improving your Technical SEO users will find that it can take time to correct each problematic code. Learn how you can quickly improve your site and make your website more effective with improved rankings. Our software video support is designed to help you answer questions you may have regarding our software. If you have any questions at all you can contact our support directly. Visit our Help Center for additional support.

Technical SEO Spider

Learn how our website crawler captures a website’s code and performs site audits in real-time so you can analyze the results.

Page Analysis

Learn how to get reports on your user experience of a webpage for both mobile and desktop devices and how the webpage can be improved.

Htaccess Generator

Learn how to quickly create htaccess files and compress large files more effectively for overall website speed.

Sitemap Generator

Learn how you can generate a sitemap of your website with our website crawler including using our editor to modify LastMod dates and removing links.

HTML Tools

Learn how you can minify and beautify HTML files with our all-in-one SEO toolkits.

Critical CSS and Tools

Learn how you can generate Critical CSS files including minify and beautify CSS files with our all-in-one SEO

JS Tools

Learn how you can minify and beautify JS files with our all-in-one SEO toolkits.

Image Tools

Learn how you can optimize your image files and change file formats to WEBP to improve page speed.

Text Tools

Learn how you can use our text tools to check keyword density and use it as a word counter for complying with character count limits.

Inspect Element

The most common places you can find Inspector is on Chrome and Safari browsers. This will allow you to select various elements on a page which will allow you to test and find errors quickly including testing colors, images, fonts and more.

HTML Validator

Learn how you can use HTML Validators to improve your website useability and speed by correcting coding errors on the page. It checks the HTML and CSS codes to see if it complies WC3 standards.